Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Elusive Hole In One

I played in the local Chamber of Commerce golf tournament on Friday.  I love playing golf.  The other members of my team and I aren't professional  golfers and we weren't out to "win" the tournament but simply to play a good game and enjoy a day out with friends.

Yes, when you play golf you are competing "against" other golfers but, most golfers will tell you, what they are really trying to "beat" is their own personal best.

I love golf because it is a game (exercise) that constantly challenges ones skills, mentally and physically.  I also love golf because I know that no matter how well I play, I can always improve.  There is no perfection in golf.

I approach my job the same way.  My job constantly challenges my skills, both mentally and physically.  Yes, there are thousands of other gift basket companies in the world and although Laurel Mountain Basket Co is Nationally recognized for our unique designs, there are some companies that are more "successful" than ours.

As in golf, I know I will never be one of the top 3, but I am determined to bring  my "A" game every day and give my clients the best I can.  I will also keep improving toward perfection, knowing achieving it is impossible.

The view from Laurel Mountain today is ...  understanding perfection.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Raise Your Heels

I am in fairly good physical condition.  I exercise regularly and pay particular attention to strengthening my core.  Therefore, couldn't understand why I was having such a difficult time with a certain QuGong exercise that required coming up on tip toes.  I just couldn't keep my balance.

After class, another member of the group suggested I stop trying to stand on my toes, but rather try to raise my heels.  I did and I was able to perform the move perfectly.

Some times all it takes to solve a problem is to approach it from a different perspective.

The view from Laurel Mountain today is - changing perspective.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Stitch in Time

I love old sayings. For example, "A stitch in time may save nine" is one of my favorites.  Such great advice in just seven simple words.

No, it doesn't have anything to do with sewing but rather it teaches us that acknowledging and working toward a solution to a problem immediately will save a great deal of time and effort in the long run.

So the next time you see something starting to unravel, like a good relationship with a client, take the bull by the horns, bite the bullet and remember that a stitch in time may save nine.

The view from Laurel Mountain today is... proactive


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So You Want To Be The Boss

I started my work life when I was very young.  Back in the dark ages, children were allowed to work on farms as long as they had a work permit.  In my community children started picking cucumbers when they were 10 or 11 years old and at the age of 14 graduated to working on the area tobacco farms.  The boys did the outside work and the girls did the inside work, if you consider working in a tobacco curing barn "inside".  The work was hot and dirty and we had fun!

I learned to drive a tractor at age 10, and a standard transmission truck way before I would be old enough for a drivers license.  I don't remember exactly what we were paid but whatever it was, it seemed like a fortune.  All of my friends worked too and we developed friendships with kids from surrounding towns and with kids from out of state who came from the hot cities to spend the summers with relatives.

I got my first "real job" when I was 16.  I started working in the largest supermarket in our area.  It was very prestigious.  The store was huge and everyone shopped there.  I LOVED that job.  The owners and managers were terrific and I learned so much.

I worked summer vacations while in college and even worked a part time job one semester.  Got a job just days after graduation in 1971 and worked full time in various offices until eleven years ago when I opened my own business.  That's when I learned that work weeks have more than 40 hours and there are few weekends, sick days or paid vacations.

Those of you who own your own businesses know what I'm talking about. There are still deadlines to meet, paperwork to be done and clients to deal with but  they are your deadlines, your paperwork and your clients.  YOU get to make the decisions about who, what, when and where.  It's heady stuff and worth giving 110%.

I could be sitting in a pretty air conditioned office right now, wearing a designer suit and heels.   Instead, I'm sitting in my home office, looking out on a beautiful mountain view.  My dog is asleep at my feet, which are bare and I'm wearing shorts and a tee shirt.

I write several blogs related to my business.  I decided to start this blog for those who want to start their own business or who are in business for them self and want a place to learn and grow and share experiences. 

If you are thinking about being your own boss or if you already are, stay tuned.  Maybe we can help each other by sharing some of our successes and pointing out some of the pitfalls of being your own boss.

The view from Laurel Mountain today is -- It doesn't get much better than this.

Marie Lisewski