Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Hug In A Box

When I was growing up my Dad’s parents lived across the street.  We played in their yard so saw them every day. My grandmother always had a fresh baked treat for us.

My Mom’s parents and most of my aunts, uncles and cousins were a short car ride away.   We were always visiting one or another and family gatherings happened often.

Today my closest family lives hours away and I have family in every corner of the country. A cousin lives in Washington State another lives in Kentucky.  And one nephew lives in Texas so we rarely get to visit.  We stay in touch via email and phone but it’s not the same.

There are times when I wish I could be with a family member or friend to give them a big hug.  It could be an anniversary, celebrating the birth of a baby, a house warming, a birthday, wedding or getting a new job. Or they are recovering from an illness or dealing with the loss of a loved one.

When a hug is not possible, a gift basket can let them know that they are loved and thought of.

A “care package” to a student away at school or someone serving in the military is also ways to show love and support.

The next time you wish you could give someone a hug, remember that you can always send a custom designed gift basket.  It’s like a hug in a box.

Call today and let us help you custom design a gift basket for someone you love.  (413) 527-1243


Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Bruchetta Challenge

Bruchetta Basket

All of our gift baskets are original designs are individually prepared at the time they are ordered.  We talk with our clients to get a sense of who will be receiving the gift basket so that we can include items that they will enjoy.

We even had clients who have provided all of the items and asked us to come up with the design.  The Bruchetta Basket is one. 

Bruchetta is an antipasto consisting of grilled bread, rubbed with garlic and topped with olive oil. Many recipes add tomato, veggies, beans, cured meats or cheeses.

The client provided all of the ingredients, including jars of crushed garlic and peppers, flavored olive oils as well as cook books with various bruchetta recipes.  The challenge was to place all of these items on the bread board they also provided.

The board was boat shaped with a very narrow base.  The items had to be placed so that the gift was balanced enough to stand on its own.  We were satisfied with the results and the client was thrilled, which is always our goal.

We are always up for a challenge.  The next time you need something really special, give us a call and let us help you create a gift that is truly one of a kind.
